Mar 13 2025 17:13:01


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What is The Nexus?

Anyone now thinking of a 'The Matrix' joke, should decide on an appropriate punishment for themselves and administer it (if you're thinking of something stupid, take a look at our legal information first). The Nexus is a project to provide a site with a minimum of adverts and graphical cleverness that seems to pervade the net these days - just because you own a copy of Flash doesn't mean that it's appropriate to use it everywhere. The grayscale colour theme reminds us of this, makes the site easy to read and stops us putting in silly graphics just for the technicolour hell of it. We want to post decent reviews where cover everything we think about a game, good and bad and give you an honest review, which has seemed to be lacking from many sites in recent times.

Third, although possibly most importantly to some, we're developing a clan administration interface that will allow you to run a clan off this site, organize matches and so forth. There's a lot of exciting features we have planned for this that should make this site everyone's choice for clans. We'll also provide the facilities for you to organize ladders and tournaments, while providing official ones of our own.

You have news, but it doesn't cover all the games out there, why not?

Sorry. At the moment we cover what we find interesting and important, and only really guarantee that we'll cover the news about this site. If there's a news story that you think is particularly important or pertinent, send it in and we'll consider posting it. Please don't expect a reply to emails about news stories though, we save our very limited linguistic abilities for technical support. If you're looking for a good news site that covers all the gaming news, we suggest Bluesnews.

Your articles, previews and reviews are sometimes too long.

We understand the nessecity to keep our content to a reasonable, readable limit, but we try to fit in as much information as we can about the things we write about in order to give you more. In printed work and many online publications you'll find shorter, perhaps less detailed writing parly due to the costs of printing, but since this is already well catered for, we strive to differentiate ourselves by being more comprehensive and in-depth. Hopefully, the monochromatic design to the site and good punctuation and paragraphing should make our more lengthy pieces that much easier to read. Since we don't wish to imply anything against another publication, we won't list or link ones that we might have a personal opinion about - if that's the sort of writing that you're looking for, we leave it to you to find them.

What's the best browser to view this site with?

We test the site with the newest versions of Netscape and IE and find that both versions have their quirks, but that the site should work properly with either. We recommend that you run the most up to date version of whatever browser you prefer.

I'm involved with publicity for a computer game, and would like to contact you, how can I do it?

We're happy to hear from any company that wishes us to take a look at their product. Natrually, providing us with the product, an evaluation version or material will make us very grateful, but won't affect what we write about the game. Interested parties should email

I have a problem that's related to this site, what can I do?

Depending on what your problem is, you may want to read the legal information or the information we provide on this page, which is ever expanding. If you still desperately seek the answer afterwards, you're welcome to email us at We hasten to add that if you're thinking about Douglas Adams, it's worth noting that the Earth was the computer designed to discover what the ultimate question was, the answer to which was 42, it was not however, the meaning of life.



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